

Expected date on board : August 2024

Type of job : Full-Time


  • BA and above from English speaking country
  • Be qualified for working visa
  • Native speaker
  • Teaching visa preferred
  • Two years and above work experience or has TEFL/TESOL certificate
  • No criminal record, physical check


  • Age : 4-6 years old students
  • Working days : 5 days (Mon-Fri)
  • Working hours : 8:am-5:pm
  • class size : 15-20 students

About Songjiang #

In the southwestern outskirts of Shanghai lies Songjiang, a district renowned for its history, culture, and natural beauty. With ancient water towns, scenic landscapes, and well-preserved temples dating back over a thousand years, Songjiang offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city life. It’s a hub of education, art, and innovation, attracting visitors with vibrant arts scenes, academic institutions, and modern amenities. Whether exploring ancient villages, scenic parks, or indulging in local delicacies, Songjiang promises an unforgettable journey for travelers.

Rules And Regulations #

  1. Respect cultural heritage: Songjiang is home to numerous cultural landmarks, temples, and historic sites. Be respectful when visiting these attractions, follow any posted guidelines, and refrain from touching or damaging cultural artifacts.
  2. Observe local laws: Familiarize yourself with Chinese laws and regulations and ensure compliance during your stay in Songjiang. This includes respecting traffic laws, avoiding illegal activities, and following any posted guidelines at tourist attractions.
  3. Protect the environment: Help preserve Songjiang’s natural beauty by disposing of trash responsibly and avoiding littering. Be mindful of conservation efforts, especially in parks, nature reserves, and scenic areas.
  4. Respect local customs: Be respectful of local customs and traditions, such as greeting people respectfully, removing your shoes when entering homes or temples, and following etiquette in public spaces.
  5. Use public spaces responsibly: Be considerate of others when using public spaces such as parks, squares, and public transportation. Keep noise levels down, respect designated smoking areas, and offer seats to those in need on public transportation.

Don’ts In Songjiang #

  1. Don’t litter: Avoid littering and dispose of trash responsibly. Keep Songjiang clean and beautiful by using designated trash bins or taking your trash with you until you find an appropriate disposal site.
  2. Don’t disrespect cultural sites: Refrain from touching or damaging cultural artifacts, sculptures, or historic structures when visiting temples, museums, or other cultural landmarks in Songjiang.
  3. Don’t ignore local customs: Be mindful of local customs and traditions, such as removing your shoes when entering homes or temples, and following etiquette in public spaces. Avoid behaviors that may be considered disrespectful or offensive to locals.
  4. Don’t disturb wildlife: When visiting natural areas or wildlife habitats, avoid approaching or disturbing animals. Keep a safe distance and refrain from feeding or attempting to touch wildlife.
  5. Don’t disregard health and safety guidelines: Follow health and safety recommendations, especially during times of public health concerns. Practice good hygiene, wear a mask when necessary, and adhere to social distancing guidelines to protect yourself and others.
  6. Don’t engage in illegal activities: Respect local laws and regulations and refrain from engaging in illegal activities such as littering, vandalism, or trespassing on private property.
  7. Don’t disrupt tranquility: Be considerate of others and avoid behaviors that may disrupt the peace and tranquility of public spaces, parks, or residential areas in Songjiang.

Conclusion #

In summary, Songjiang offers a diverse blend of history, culture, and natural beauty for visitors to enjoy. By respecting local rules, customs, and the environment, travelers can ensure a harmonious and memorable experience in this enchanting district.

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