Introducing young children to emotions helps them identify and communicate their feelings better. Here’s a lesson plan that introduces them to the emotions of happy, sad, angry, and worried using interactive activities and songs

Objective: #

Students will recognize and name the emotions: happy, sad, angry, and worried.

Students will communicate their feelings using these emotion words.

Students will relate to and empathize with others’ feelings.

Materials Needed: #

Flashcards with faces expressing different emotions

Chart paper and markers

Storybooks with characters experiencing these emotions

Instruments like tambourines or drums (optional)

Internet access or CD player for playing songs

Introduction (10 minutes) #

Day 1: Happy and Sad

Activity 1: Introduction to Emotions

Start by asking, “How do you feel today?” and discuss various answers.

Introduce the terms ‘happy’ and ‘sad’ by showing flashcards or by making facial expressions.

Activity 2: “Show Me” Game

Call out “show me a happy face” or “show me a sad face”.

Children mimic the emotion.

Song: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)

If you’re sad and you know it, show your frown (make a sad face)

If you’re sad and you know it, show your frown (make a sad face)

Day 2: Angry

Activity 1: Story Time

Read a story where a character feels angry because something didn’t go their way.

Discuss with the children why the character might have felt that way.

Activity 2: Angry Actions

Ask children to show what they do when they’re angry. (e.g., stamping feet, crossing arms)

Discuss calming techniques like taking deep breaths.

Song: “When I Feel Angry”

When I feel angry, I might stamp my feet,

But I’ll take a deep breath and find my beat.

It’s okay to feel, but remember to say,

I’m feeling angry in a calm way.

Day 3: Worried

Activity 1: “What Worries You?” Discussion

Discuss scenarios like “What if you can’t find your favorite toy?”

Introduce the term ‘worried’ as the feeling they might have.

Activity 2: Drawing Worries

Allow children to draw something that makes them worried.

Share and discuss as a class.

Song: “When I’m Feeling Worried Tune”

When I’m feeling worried, and I don’t know what to do,

I’ll talk to a friend, or my teacher too.

It’s okay to share, how we feel every day,

Together we can chase, those worries away.

Day 4: Review and Role Play

Activity 1: Emotion Flashcards Review

Show different flashcards and ask children to identify the emotion.

Activity 2: Emotion Role Play

Give scenarios like “You dropped your ice cream” or “You found a new toy.”

Ask children how they’d feel and to act it out.

Song: “Feelings Song”

Happy, sad, angry, or worried,

Feelings are important, so don’t hurry.

Express how you feel, every single day,

It helps us understand, in every way.

Day 5: Expressing and Understanding Feelings

Activity 1: Feelings Journal

Give each child a piece of paper.

They can draw how they feel that day and write (or dictate) why.

Activity 2: Sharing Circle

Allow children to share their journal entries (if they’re comfortable).

Reinforce understanding and empathy: “How would you feel if that happened to you?”

Song: “All Our Feelings

We all have feelings, every single day,

Happy, sad, or angry, it’s okay to feel that way.

When we’re worried, we can talk and play,

Understanding feelings, is the way!

Assessment: Observe if children can correctly identify and express their emotions. During the sharing circle, pay attention to whether they show empathy towards their peers.

Extension: Encourage children to discuss their feelings at home. You can also introduce other emotions like excitement, fear, or surprise in subsequent weeks.

Using songs and activities to teach emotions makes the experience memorable. Adjust based on the children’s comfort and understanding, ensuring a supportive and empathetic classroom environment.

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