Kindergarten teacher {Shanghai }(Jack)

Location: #

Baoshan district, Shanghai

Description: #

1. Students: 4-5 years old;
2. Working times: 8am to 4:30pm from Monday to Friday;
3.The number of students: less than 20;
4.12-months’ contract;

Requirements: #

1. Native English speakers;
2. Bachelor degree or above;
3. 120-Hour TEFL/TESOL;
4. Able to work creatively and independently;
5. Have all documents needed for Z visa application;

Package: #

1. Competitive Salary: up to 32,000 after tax with housing allowance included;
2. Performance Bonus;
3. Medical Insurance;
4. Public Holidays;
5. School Holiday: paid 4 weeks vacation;
6. Lunch Provided on school days;
7. Work Visa provided;

Before You Apply

Before You Apply

Baoshan district is located in northern Shanghai with an area of 300.6 square kilometers. Nestled at the conjuncture of Yangtze River, Huangpu River and Wusong River, it is awarded titles as the “Gateway of Suzhou and Wusong” and “Shanghai’s Waterway Hub”. In recent years, Baoshan has gathered a large variety of innovation factors such as sci-tech innovation carriers, by establishing a close cooperation with leading enterprises and prestigious institutions of higher learning. A total of 380 high-tech enterprises were newly certified in 2021.During the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, Baoshan district will step up its effort to build a sci-tech innovation hub featuring dynamic innovation main bodies, a large pool of innovation talent, outstanding innovative functions and superior innovative ecosystem. Overall, Baoshan aims to build a well-functioned sub-center of Shanghai which integrates industry development and urban functions.



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